Grim Dawn Pc Gameplay Osu For Mac

Grim Dawn Pc Gameplay Osu For Mac Average ratng: 5,0/5 2111 votes
  1. Grim Dawn Pc Gameplay
  2. Grim Dawn Pc Review

Is an action role-playing game for the PC, developed by veterans of Iron Lore Entertainment, the creators of. Enter an apocalyptic fantasy world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, iron is valued above gold and trust is hard earned. This ARPG features complex character development, hundreds of unique items, crafting and quests with choice & consequence. Released in 2016, it currently has one expansion pack, Ashes of Malmouth, and a second one in development, Forgotten Gods Official Links.

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Originally posted by: Search for 'mac' and you'll find your answer. If GD did better on it's kickstarter a mac version may be more apparent but I think right now it's up in the air. Perhaps after release they might talk about it again though I think a linux version has more interest from the fans compared to mac version. There may also be a way to play GD on mac using some sort of program, not sure which one it is so I'd check the main forums. The only way to play would be to use a Windows based install for Mac. The only other way is to add in OGL support but I think they would like to actually get the game itself running on PC then if it does well enough at release they might have a reason.


Grim Dawn Pc Gameplay

Grim Dawn Pc Gameplay Osu For Mac

You also have to remember Mac has a very small game base compared to PC so for such a small company it might never happen. Originally posted by:Do the developers visit this forum? I was hoping they might make a comment here, either yay or nay to let us know. They do but the question was already answered. If the devs had more money they would consider it - at the time of the kickstarter there were more people interested in a linux port then a Mac port (which had hardly any support).


Grim Dawn Pc Review

Here is the full quote from the Kickstarter page: 'We would love to offer Mac support but we need to make sure we reach a funding level where we're confident we can manage this while still producing the extra content that is a priority to most fans. We've been bombarded by request for a Linux version but have had hardly any Mac request, so we've decided we would attempt a Linux port first. The funding goal we estimate we would need to reach before we could commit to a Mac port would be $950k, however, If we reach $800k, we pledge that we'll try to make it happen but wouldn't feel confident making a promise at that level.

The Mac version would likely come a little after the full release.' So considering they got only $537 I think it would be rather unlikely that we'll see a mac port on release. Perhaps in a later expansion if the game is highly successful.

Posted on  by  admin