Pcnet32 Driver For Mac
QEMU This page is about running PureDarwin on the QEMU emulator and is not about running Mac OS X. Is a hardware emulator that can be used to run operating systems on virtualized hardware, not unlike VMware or Parallels. It is an open source project. The ability to run PureDarwin on emulated hardware can be very useful, especially for development, testing and debugging. If you get the 'Error parsing plist file', then you need to increase the amount of virtual RAM. At least 330 MB seem to be required.
If the kernel just crashes and the boot prompt appears again, press F8 and enter machkernel.voodoo.1. Running PureDarwin Xmas on QEMU(qemu.html#TOC-Running-PureDarwin-Xmas-on-QEMU) 1.1.1. On Linux hosts(qemu.html#TOC-On-Linux-hosts) 2.1.2. On Windows hosts(qemu.html#TOC-On-Windows-hosts) 3.1.3. On Mac OS X hosts(qemu.html#TOC-On-Mac-OS-X-hosts) 2.2.
QEMU devices(qemu.html#TOC-QEMU-devices) 3.3. QEMU network(qemu.html#TOC-QEMU-network) 1.3.1. The user network stack(qemu.html#TOC-The-user-network-stack) 2.3.2. Requirements(qemu.html#TOC-Requirements) 3.3.3. DHCP (IPv4)(qemu.html#TOC-DHCP-IPv4-) 4.3.4. Ping workaround(qemu.html#TOC-Ping-workaround) 5.3.5. Miscellaneous(qemu.html#TOC-Miscellaneous)
Guest fingerprint ( Gateway fingerprint ( DNS server fingerprint ( 4.4. QEMU options(qemu.html#TOC-QEMU-options) 1.4.1. Standard options(qemu.html#TOC-Standard-options) 2.4.2.
Network options(qemu.html#TOC-Network-options) 3.4.3. Live options(qemu.html#TOC-Live-options) 5.5. probono's networking experiments 12/2011(qemu.html#TOC-probono-s-networking-experiments-12-2011) 6.6. Rafael's networking information 01/2012(qemu.html#TOC-Rafael-s-networking-information-01-2012) 7.7. QSOC project on Darwin support in QEMU(qemu.html#TOC-QSOC-project-on-Darwin-support-in-QEMU) 8.8. References(qemu.html#TOC-References) Running PureDarwin Xmas on QEMU On Linux hosts To get to run in QEMU, fetch QEMU from svn, compile, run without kqemu (it might work on OSX-supported cpus).

Update: if you can get a 0.10 binary of qemu for your platform (some are linked below), you don't necessarily need to compile from svn any more. Update 2: As of Ubuntu 9.10, the QEMU that can be installed with sudo apt-get install qemu is sufficient, so you don't need to compile or download a special version of QEMU any more. Use the following configuration: -hda someemptydiskimage (if you want some disk to work on) -hdb puredarwinxmas.vmdk -cdrom purdarwinxmas.vmdk -boot d -m 512 or -hda puredarwinxmas.vmdk -cdrom purdarwinxmas.vmdk -boot d -m 512 or -hda puredarwinxmas.vmdk -cdrom purdarwinxmas.iso -boot d -m 512 QEMU can (at least on some platforms) emulate the Realtek RTL8139 network interface. An open source driver for this NIC is included with PureDarwinXmas. Enable the interface in QEMU with the -net nic,model=rtl8139 -no-kvm-irqchip -net user option. Run it using the instructions above (although -hda puredarwinxmas.vmdk -cdrom puredarwinxmas.vmdk -boot d -m 512 seems the more reliable option). X will probably fail to start first time, but can then be kicked into life with startx or pdstartx.

PureDarwin Xmas running on openSUSE. Credits: oxygene PureDarwin Xmas on Ubuntu 8.10 (using the binary linked below) and machkernel.voodoo. Command used: qemu -hda 'puredarwinxmas.vmdk' -cdrom 'puredarwinxmas.vmdk' -boot d -m 512 press F8 when asked machkernel.voodoo Then have to launch X11 manually: /usr/X11/bin/startx On Windows hosts PureDarwin Xmas on MS Windows XP (using the binary linked above). Credits: oxygene On Mac OS X hosts QEMU 0.10.1 from MacPorts can run PureDarwin Xmas with qemu -hda puredarwinxmas.vmdk -cdrom puredarwinxmas.vmdk -boot d -m 512 Note: if you want to run qemu from a different location, use the -L option as: qemu -L./pc-bios/ -hda puredarwinxmas.vmdk -cdrom puredarwinxmas.vmdk -boot d -m 512 If you don't boot by default with the Voodoo kernel (xnu-dev), at boot press F8.
And enter machkernel.voodoo rd=disk1s3 -v or, if you have the vmdk as -hda: machkernel.voodoo rd=disk0s3 -v Wait for a bit on failed to open/create the journal. If that happens. At the end of the KEXTs decompression phase, the CPU FSB clock and ration should be adjusted by the voodoo kernel. After the KEXTs decompression phase, you should see the kernel booting (notice the network adapter supported).
Then depending your settings, a login prompt or X should be waiting for you. It is necessary to launch X11 manually by issuing /usr/X11R6/bin/startx. QEMU 0.10.1 from MacPorts running PureDarwin on Mac OS X 10.5.
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QEMU devices Here is a list of potential devices found in a QEMU guest OS. It seems that network hangs easily if the gateway is not pinged when network operations are needed. As user inp reported on #puredarwin, adding '-no-kvm-irqchip' to the qemu call solves this issue with the rtl8139 driver. ### Ping workaround ping the gateway ( from the guest side (PureDarwin) seems necessary at this time.
If it is not the done, the connection simply hangs or fails to establish sometimes. As user inp reported on #puredarwin, adding '-no-kvm-irqchip' to the qemu call solves this issue with the rtl8139 driver. !(.//rsrc/256/developers/qemu/picbd.png)(qemu/picbd.png%3Fattredirects=0) ### Miscellaneous #### Guest fingerprint ( The famous Fyodor `nmap(basic fingerprint result against (guest: en0) looks like (X running without -no-listen tcp as shown). Gateway fingerprint ( Interesting to see what looks like from nmap point of view the virtual gateway (user mode network stack): DNS server fingerprint (
QEMU options This is another non exhaustive list of (reported to work) options available. Some part also needs investigations and feedback. Standard options -M machine select emulated machine (-M? For list) Need investigations. (could be interesting to see how it is close or not the reality when it is possible to compare the cases) -cpu cpu select CPU (-cpu?
For list) Need investigations.fda/-fdb file use 'file' as floppy disk 0/1 image No thanks.hda/-hdb file use 'file' as IDE hard disk 0/1 image Reported to work with a iso, dmg, vmdk (convert or not).hdc/-hdd file use 'file' as IDE hard disk 2/3 image Need investigations.cdrom file use 'file' as IDE cdrom image (cdrom is ide1 master) Reported to work with a iso, dmg, vmdk (convert or not).m megs set virtual RAM size to megs MB default=128 384 and 512 are ok.smp n set the number of CPUs to 'n' default=1 Work well with default value or 1. Need investigations ( even with reflecting modifications ( cpus=2) in / Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot.plist) -k language use keyboard layout (for example 'fr' for French) Need investigations, not working.vga std cirrus vmware Need investigations. Seems to works fine without -vga. Provided (default settings cyrus?).usb enable the USB driver (will be the default soon) Need investigations.usbdevice name add the host or guest USB device 'name' Need investigations.name string set the name of the guest PureDarwin.uuid%08x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%012x specify machine Need investigations, UUID C0FFEEC0-FFEE-C0FF-EEC0-FFEEC0FFEEC0 has no effect. Network options According to the `man', ' The NIC is an ne2kpci by default on the PC target', but some other valid values are: i82551, i82557b, i82559er, ne2kpci, ne2kisa, pcnet, rtl8139, e1000, smc91c111, lance and mcffec.net nic,vlan=n,macaddr=addr,model=type create a new Network Interface Card and connect it to VLAN 'n' -net nic,model=rtl8139 is enabled by PureFoundation.
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Need investigations.boot a c d n boot on floppy (a), hard disk (c), CD-ROM (d), or network (n) 'd' with the corresponding target is functional. The goal of this project is to make Darwin more usable by providing an installation ISO, documentation, and add-on software. You are welcome to join #puredarwin on irc.freenode.net or the if you would like to join PureDarwin development and to add to this site.
The Wiki pages were recently moved from and in the conversion process some formatting was lost. Please help fixing the markdown of this page by editing it. But please delete nothing, especially not (broken) images; fix them instead (see the main page of the Wiki for an example).

It is a matter of 'how do you get that information', assuming it is available. All the drivers for the network cards will know how to do this, but like I describe below, the information is read then stored, and if that gets overwritten later, then that's it - gone. You could add some code to each driver, but that would be a lot of work, and almost certain not to get into the Linux kernel, so you'd forever carry a patch for every network driver available - that would be rather a lot of effort to maintain. – Feb 19 '13 at 11:41.
Pcnet32 Driver For Mac Download
The only way to find the original MAC address is to use the same method the network card driver does - unfortunately, I don't believe there is a generic way to tell the driver to provide it's MAC address 'as provided by the hardware'. Of course, there are cases where there isn't a hardware network card for that particular interface - virtual network drivers for virtualization and when using bridges and software switches for example. And of course, the hardware may be such that you can't actually read the 'original' MAC address when it has been overwritten by software, because there is only one set of registers for the MAC address itself. I had a quick look at the pcnet32.c drivers (because it's one of the models of network card that I have a rough idea how it works and where the different registers are, etc, so I can see what it does). As far as I can see, it supports no method of actually asking 'what is your PROM ethernet address' - the MAC address is read out during the 'probe1' section of the module initialization, and stored away. No further access to those hardware registers is made.