Unexpected Behavior Of Mpirun In The Release 9.0.0 For Mac
There are not enough slots available in the system to satisfy the 8 slots that were requested by the application:./step-1 Either request fewer slots for your application, or make more slots available for use. After typing mpirun -np 4./step-1 the execution proceeds but there is some latency before the runs proceed.
Unexpected Behavior Of Mpirun In The Release 9.0.0 For Mac
I noticed nothing similar from the 8.5.1 installation ( /Applications/deal.II.app/Contents/Resources/opt/openmpi-1.10.2/bin/mpirun ) which allows me using 8 tasks. Running my own code worsens the issue. Serial runs are one and the same for the two versions, but I still cannot use 8 tasks and the latency time is so long that the code basically never starts with release 9.0.0. The older release 8.5.1 shows no problems. Perhaps I made something wrong in the installation phase or in running mpirun? Your help is appreciated as always.