Helm Init On Docker Edge For Mac

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Summary A simple customer database for a fictitious company. Kubernetes + Java backed by MongoDB. Outlook calendar synchronization with iphone. Makes heavy use of Microsoft managed services to keep things easy. Traffic to/from the application is secured using TLS. This is a demonstration application that optimizes for simplicity and learning.

  1. Install Docker Edge On Mac

Install Docker Edge On Mac

Not intended for production use. Prerequisites. A, for running Kubernetes (AKS) and MongoDB (CosmosDB). A, for storing our application image. A. A domain name you control, for making the application available to the world Setup Provisioning the initial resources can take a little time so I did these steps upfront.

Download and setup the command-line tools you'll need on your computer. The examples below assume Mac but should work on other platforms. Choose the Edge version if you want experimental Kubernetes support (not required). Create an Azure group and an empty Kubernetes cluster in that group az group create -name bayazure -location eastus az aks create -name k8s -resource-group bayazure az aks get-credentials -name k8s -resource-group bayazure. Add some needed components to Kubernetes $ helm init $ helm install stable/nginx-ingress $ helm install -name kube-lego stable/kube-lego -set config.LEGOEMAIL=simon@baleenlabs.com -set config.LEGOURL=We use nginx-ingress to route external traffic within our cluster.

Kube-lego is used to automatically obtain a TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt. Adjust the example values above for your environment and domain. Next we'll create a CosmosDB MongoDB database to store our application data in. $ az cosmosdb create -kind MongoDB -name customerdatabase -resource-group bayazure Building and deploying the application. First create a Kubernetes secret so that the application can connect to MongoDB: kubectl create secret generic customerdatabasesecret -from-literal='MONGODBURI=$( az cosmosdb list-connection-strings -n customerdatabase -g bayazure -query 'connectionStrings0.connectionString' -out tsv tr -d ' n')'.

Next we'll build our Spring Boot application code: mvn clean package This creates an file target/customerapp-0.1.2.war that contains our application. Then package the application in a Container image and push it to the Docker Hub: docker build -t nomisbeme/customerapp:0.1.2. Docker push nomisbeme/customerapp:0.1.2.

Use the Kubernetes package manager, helm, to deploy the resulting application to Kubernetes. Helm install helm/customerapp/ -n capp Adjust the ingress.host to point to the correct domain name if needed.

Wait for the application to deploy then access it at your domain name. Open Updating the application Kubernetes and Helm make it easy to deploy new versions of an application, so we'll modify the application and deploy the result. Modify the application. Hint: Uncomment list.jsp. Rebuild the application and push a new version to the Docker Hub: mvn clean package docker build -t nomisbeme/customerapp:fixed. Docker push nomisbeme/customerapp:fixed.

Now update the existing deployment to reference the new code. Helm upgrade -set image.tag=fixed capp helm/customerapp Improvements. Use Open Service Catalog for Azure to expose Cosmos within the Kubernetes cluster. Use the Spotify maven plugins to simplify container image creation.

Helm Init On Docker Edge For Mac

Use a private registry e.g. Azure Container Registry to avoid making application code publicly available. Replace kube-lego with the more modern replacement cert-manager.

Stay tuned for more details, but my presentation about Kubernetes was accepted for the, March 8th. That is of course fantastic news 🙂 In more detail: I will present about the evolution of containers. From Docker, to Swarm, to container orchestrations systems, Kubernetes and managed Kubernetes (such as Oracle Container Engine or others). At the end I guess you will agree that Kubernetes is great and getting better every day, but you won’t like to manage your own Kubernetes cluster. Interesting enough,. Of course we will have a lot fun fun live coding with Mini, the Raspi cluster again.

I plan to demo the setup of the cluster, service deployment, load balancing, failover etc. All this live on stage with hopefully a really big screen for the projection.

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